Hessian Ascent for the SK Model III
Optimizing the SK model via free probability and convex duality
This is the third (and final) blog post in a 3-part series, themed on a recent result [JSS24] by David, Jonathan and me. The first blog post can be found here, and the second one can be found here.
A quick recap of what we accomplished in the second blog post:
- We proved the first major component in the analysis of the PHA algorithm on the SK model: the construction and desirable properties of the projector \(P_j(D)^2\) into the top-eigenspace of the TAP corrected Hessian.
- We then overviewed the second major component in the analysis of the PHA algorithm on the SK model: the proof that the empirical distribution of the coordinates of every iterate of the algorithm converge, with high probability, to the (primal) Auffinger-Chen SDE.
Table of Contents
- Connections: Potential Hessian ascent and other algorithms
- Ongoing work
- The ultimate goal: a research program
- Footnotes
Connections: Potential Hessian ascent and other algorithms
The main objective in this section is to discuss the relationship between potential Hessian ascent (PHA) and other families of algorithms. In discussing this, we will come across various natural questions (which are still open problems) involving algorithmic unification and (possibly efficient) certificates for reasoning about the limitations of entire families of algorithms.
While the analysis for the PHA algoithm on the cube is more challenging than that of the corresponding Hessian ascent algorithm of Subag on the sphere [Sub19], the algorithmic principle is the same: follow the top-eigenspace of the Hessian of the generalized TAP energy. Consequently, our comparisons will focus on algorithmic paradigms that have found success in related average-case optimization problems but are far from obvious in how they compare with PHA.
Potential Hessian ascent and high-entropy step processes
In a recent result [SS24], Jonathan and I introduced a sum-of-squares hierarchy to certify the suprema of certain Gaussian processes. However, the sum-of-squares certificates (of low-degree) output by this hierarchy (termed the HES SoS hierarchy) do not certify the value of an instance of the problem, as is traditional for certification algorithms. Instead, they certify the value that can be achieved on an instance by a certain family of measures over the solution domain. This family of measures are termed high-entropy step distributions.
For the spherical spin glass problem, we demonstrate that the certified value matches (up to constant factors) the true value under a technical condition. Even in the absence of said condition, the certificates obtain the correct scaling of the maximum; due to known lower-bounds against the standard SoS hierarchy for the same problem [BGL16][HPK17], the standard hierarchy is off by superlinear factors.
So, what relationship do HES processes have with PHA? For starters, in [Theorem 7.1, SS24] we demonstrate that a randomized version of Subag’s Hessian ascent algorithm is a HES process. The PHA algorithm on the cube also seems to be a HES process1. Importantly, the geometry seems to not affect the description of the underlying algorithmically optimal process. In fact, we think that HES processes will capture the algorithmic threshold of all polynomial-time algorithms for a larger class of polynomial optimization problems [Conjecture 1.6, SS24].
There are various subtleties in demonstrating that the
Potential Hessian ascent and approximate-message passing
Ongoing work
Parisi-type formulae for different geometries
Low-degree sum-of-squares certificates for HES processes on the cube
Potential Hessian ascent: mixed p-spin models
The ultimate goal: a research program
This is a premeditated crime. The construction of the conditional covariances \(P_j(D)^2\) of the PHA algorithm, and the properties about it proved in [Theorem 4.1, JSS24], have the dual aim of making it easier to demonstrate convergence to the AC SDE and also satisfy the properties imposed on the conditional covariances of a HES process. ↩